Se vc é fã dos Senhor dos Anéis, olhe só essas unhas! A segunda parece ter sido feita com algum tipo de carimbo ou decalque. E se foi feito a mão, com ctz foi um trampo miserável! Mas as idéias sempre são bem vindas!
For us LOTR fans, check out these awesome nail arts! The second one was probably done with some sort of stamp of decal, and if it was hand made, it probably was HARD WORK!! The ideas are great through!

Well, if my nails looked like that, i would run to the Misty Mountain and would devote my whole life in taking good care of them. For we loves the precious.
ResponderExcluirYes, we loves the precious! It came to us! It's mine! My own! MY PRECIOUS!!!!
Major LOTR fan!!!!